Sunday, July 10

Hollywood's Watchful Guardian

Does the name Jesse Heiman mean anything to you? If not, then I suggest you crawl out of the godforsaken rock that you have been living in your entire life and watch the video below.

Jesse Heiman has single-handedly redefined the meaning of greatness in the entertainment industry over the last ten years. He leaves his mark on iconic films such as Spider-Man, American Pie, Old School, and others by precisely and meticulously inserting himself in certain scenes throughout the movie. He has ripped the lid of the industry from the inside out and hes still going strong. Its strange to think that the one constant in almost every major film that I have ever loved is Jesse. If I were to ever find myself watching some sub-par Kevin James movie and Jesse had made an appearance, a warm comforting smile would come to my face as if I were greeting an old friend. His work on the film Spider Man remains to this day one of the most hauntingly beautiful performances I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. He is my silent guardian, watchful protector, and dark knight. Jesse Heiman is THE GREATEST EXTRA EVER.

---Post by Nick Mecham