Monday, July 22

Day 2

So basically I sometimes write funny stuff for websites, in the past I've done CollegeTownLife and TotalFratMove but tried to dissociate myself from the former because all their other content just started turning super shitty, and as for the latter I've graduated college and simply don't really feel like writing in that TFM-tone anymore. I'm trying to get in with PostGradProblems, a sister site of TFM. Just finished up a few interview questions I emailed Tucker Max, a post-grad himself:

" you are a former self-proclaimed douche-bag, what are your thoughts on current douche-bag, Phil Mickelson, winning the British Open?"

He told me in an email that although he's super busy, if the questions looked good he'd get back to me. I don't think he's going to get back to me.

But yeah so I plan on putting the enormity of my writing and general thoughts that I don't send to a publishing site here. So if you still wanna follow the Joints and Cheese blog, you won't be disappointed! I'll most likely post articles I write for #PGP on here first, generally it takes them a day or so to review them, and I don't like having to wait to see what people's general reactions are to my articles.

So this next post is an article about Studying Abroad. It's funnier than this post was, I promise.